Conversion Rate

PLMNT value is static and equal to the cost of producing 1 W of solar power (0.0004€)

RDDL is an incentive token and thus comes with volatile value. The initial value of RDDL is expected to be 0.04€.

The exchange value

The €-values thereby define the conversion rate from RDDL to PLMNT.

Assuming those mentioned above €-values, 1 PLMNT value in RDDL is 0.0004€/0.04€ = 0.01.

At the same time, 1 RDDL equals the value of 0.04€/0.0004€ = 100 PLMNT tokens.

The initial conversion rate from RDDL to PLMNT equals 1 PLMNT = 0.01 RDDL.

Last updated